The products in this category are diverse in type, subject, and Form level, but they all have one thing in common–they are tools to save you time as you either plan for or implement lessons. Each item is something that would have been helpful to us, had it been available. As they were not, most of them were developed as we prepared lessons for our own children. Now we share them with you in the hope that our planning and prep work will save you from having to repeat this work for your own family.
We do not offer refunds on any digital products, therefore, please read the description of each product carefully before ordering. Please feel free to contact us at contact@adelectableeducation if you have any questions.

These Teacher Helps were all designed to help you in planning the big picture for your school year: what materials, books, and resources you’ll use for each subject (your curriculum), and how to fit it all in (your time-table).
Once you are done planning the big picture for your school year, these Teacher Helps assist you to divide those materials and books over the school year: “forecasting” your lessons. If this is a new concept for you, please take some time to listen to Episode 232: Forecasting.
Finally, after planning the big picture and forecasting your books and materials out over the terms, you may need some help with the day-to-day lessons. These resources are designed to help you during your actual school day and will save you hours of work developing your own lessons.

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