Schedule Cards

The three of us at A Delectable Education have developed a tool to help you figure out how many lessons your children need at each level (form) and how to coordinate those with your time and their brain activity! We are delighted to offer these and hope they will help your family develop a schedule that works with your unique circumstances.

We now have Spanish Schedule CardsPortuguese Schedule CardsFrench Schedule Cards, and Russian Schedule Cards available!
(Korean cards coming soon.)

If you would prefer, you can read the transcript of this video here.

After downloading these files, print the separate forms (if applicable) on different colors of card stock (we used green for Form I, blue for Form II, yellow for Form III, pink for Form IV, and orange for Forms V/VI, for example) and cut them out on all the printed lines. These cards are scaled to reflect the length of lessons, so when lined up one above the other, you will see the cumulative total of time for those lessons for that day. (Monday would be a vertical column on the left, Tuesday another vertical column to the right, Wednesday, another column to the right of Tuesday, etc.) Included with each set is a “time line” to indicate the total number of hours that shouldn’t be surpassed for morning lessons in that particular form. The Info Sheet included should answer any more of your questions, but if you have others, please let us know.

Copyrighted by A Delectable Education, December 1, 2018. No part of this document (the product) can be reproduced or shared (in part or in whole) with anyone besides the purchaser without the express permission of A Delectable Education.

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