Moral Formation: The Will and The Conscience

The Way of the Will

Most homeschooling parents would say that the character of our children is of utmost importance to us. In fact, concerns over character are often a driving factor behind our decision to home educate. And yet, character issues can be some of the most bewildering moments of our day– the defeating and exhausting cycles of refusals to do schoolwork, lackadaisical attitudes, temper tantrums, sibling conflicts, and more.

It is easy to grow weary and become defeated. But Charlotte Mason wrote that “character is the result of conduct regulated by will” (p. 319). So what is the will? What is its role in the development of character? And what is the parent’s role in the strengthening of it? In this session Jessica Becker seeks to address those questions both philosophically and practically, while also addressing the modern misunderstanding of the “strong-willed child.” Hopefully you will leave encouraged and equipped with fresh ideas on how to strengthen and call upon the will of your child to choose what is right.

(58 minute video)

Case Studies of the Will

It is one thing to study the Will and its workings, but it is quite another to implement will-strengthening in your day-to-day life. How do we “invite the cooperation” of the will in the midst of temper tantrums, diaper changes, “derailed” lessons, and the eternal pile of laundry? It can be tempting to conclude that the training of our child’s will runs counter to our daily living—but what if it can be part of our daily living? What if the most frustrating moments of your day are actually the very grounds upon which the Will can learn to thrive? Jessica Becker explores these questions and more through real-life stories and “case studies” from Mason’s own time in this practical workshop. We will also explore tips and ideas for working through weak-willed moments in your child—and in your own heart, too.

(50 minute video)

Instructing the Conscience

Many of us may think of the conscience as the little voice inside clicking its tongue at our poor decision-making. But in Charlotte Mason’ philosophy, the Conscience and the Will are the dual powers of self-direction given to us by our Creator. Conscience plays a vital role in the ideas we choose to accept, and therefore the choices we make that shape our lives and character. But our Conscience has one particular weakness: it must be instructed in order to do its job well. In this session, we will explore practical ways we can do just that, along with what the Conscience is (and isn’t) and how it interacts with our Will in order to help us choose what is right.

(48 minute video)

Moral Formation Bundle

The bundle includes all three videos for a reduced price.