
A New Handwriting: Guide to Teaching

This Teacher Help has been a looooooong time in the making! After reading Charlotte Mason’s criteria for a handwriting program, and then gleefully finding the plates online for A New Handwriting that she described in Home Education, we embarked on teaching this handwriting style to our young students. For many teachers, however, it is very difficult to translate the 10 lettered plates into actual lessons, let alone figure out how best to form the letters. We are so pleased to be able to offer a comprehensive guide to teaching A New Handwriting with simple instructions, colored plates that show how to form each stroke and letter, along with suggested pacing for how much to cover in a term.

The material in this guide can take two school years to complete…or more, depending on the pace with which your student masters the forms. The guide is 117 pages long. Please see samples below:

Reading: 26 Questions Answered (FREE!)

The value of living books and the education of children is incalculable. Once convinced about why children must read, however, further questions arise regarding how they should be taught to read, when and where to begin with books, how to continue to encourage them in the habit of reading, and above all, what literature they should read. Teaching children how to read is daunting to most mothers and keeping children connected with reading is an even bigger challenge, especially in an era where reading books is a disappearing art. This document contains the most common and frequently asked questions about reading and children’s literature with answers drawn from the wisdom of Charlotte Mason, other educators and the experience from 30 years of homeschooling and 12 years work at Living Books Library.