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Three New Teacher Training Videos Available Now!

We are happy to announce that we have three NEW Teacher Training Videos available! These videos were professionally recorded and edited and include reading instruction, geography, and scheduling. See more details below.

These and all of our other Teacher Training Videos will be 20% off from Black Friday through Cyber Monday! Just use the code 2020TTV to get your discount.

Help and Hope for Teaching Reading by Liz Cottrill

Are you afraid to teach your child to read, or frustrated with your lack of success? This hour will address the practical steps to get started in the crucial responsibility of teaching our children to read. No child is alike in his tackling of this skill, no existing curriculum addresses all the variables, but Charlotte Mason’s way is straightforward and steady. Together we will conduct beginning reading lessons and then tackle all the questions you have about your own particular fears or difficulties that time will allow. (1-hour video)

Geography: At Home in the World by Emily Kiser

Often we wonder if a Charlotte Mason curriculum is still relevant for children today, living in a multi-cultural, modern world. Yet, if we look closely at the subject of geography, we see that instead of focusing on our own country as we do when we begin teaching history, young children should be exposed to a wide knowledge of all countries to become acquainted with all cultures and climes–even those very different than his own. “Bet let him be at home in any single region; let him see, with the mind’s eye, the people at their work and at their play, the flowers and fruits in their seasons, sympathetically,” (1/275) Charlotte Mason tells us, and this knowledge widens and deepens throughout her curriculum. In this workshop, we walk through the principles and practices of geography teaching in Forms I through VI. (1-hour video)

Scheduling: A home schoolroom managed on sound principles by Nicole Williams

Charlotte Mason gave us very specific guidelines for how a homeschool family’s daily schedule should run, including morning lessons and afternoon occupations. But for some, the idea of creating and following a schedule can be daunting. Join Nicole as she shows you how Miss Mason’s plan allows for freedom and serenity in your day. (1-hour video)

Scheduling Cards are Revised


As you know, we designed our scheduling cards to be a functional tool for developing that wondrous weekly timetable that Miss Mason used to guide the school morning. The short and varied lessons and combining multiple forms are the big challenge in a smooth and successful school morning. The scheduling cards have helped simplify that daunting task.

If you have listened to our podcast a little, you know we talk a lot about continuing to learn. As we find new sources of information and keep up research we gain knowledge that sheds new light on the implementation of the Charlotte Mason method. Since we originally produced the cards, we have been able to study a few more time-tables (for a total of 3-4 per Form) and further information on certain subjects Miss Mason included in the feast. As a consequence, we have returned to the scheduling cards to adjust some proportions of subjects and their corresponding frequency. The result is a few adjustments across all forms. We actually think the new changes, though not tremendous, will help make your school lessons run more smoothly. While we were tackling the new breakdowns, we altered the size of the cards to make them more manageable to arrange and rearrange in the process of building your timetable for the year.

If you have purchased cards in the past, logging into your Purchase History will allow you to download the new cards without charge. (Keep in mind that the cards were originally sold on Sabbath Mood Homeschool, so you may have purchased them there.) If you purchased them at a conference, or we included them with your consultation, simply write to tell us where you obtained them and attach a picture of which forms you have and we will provide the corresponding revised sets.

Though the first sets we developed have been valuable, we sincerely hope the few changes in each form will make this sometimes tedious chore even more manageable for you, and that you will find the improvements to make a difference in your schedules.

As always, we sincerely appreciate all of your support, encouragement, and willingness to grow in your understanding.

Emily, Liz, and Nicole

Consulting Services Open

We are now accepting appointments for the 2020 Calendar year! We would be happy to help you make an individual curriculum plan for your family, troubleshoot some of your daily struggles, or walk you through how to apply Miss Mason’s method in your homeschool.

Head on over to our Consulting page for more details and register for an appointment.

Black Friday through Cyber Monday Sale — Going on Now!

To celebrate Black Friday and Cyber Monday, A Delectable Education will be offering a 40% discount on our Curriculum Templates, Exam Planners and the following Teacher Training Videos:

  • A Vision for Children: How Living Books Influence Moral Development
  • Lesson Planning in a Living Education
  • Charlotte Mason History for the 21st Century
  • Keeping Time: History “Things”
  • Science: A Vast & Joyous Realm
  • Nature Study: Special Studies & Object Lessons

To take advantage of this sale, use the following discount code on the checkout page from Friday, 11/29 through Monday, 12/2 at 11:59 PM EST:


Also, check out the discounts you can receive from these other Charlotte Mason shops:

Afterthoughts Blog – This shop has study guides, audio downloads, Swedish Drill books, event downloads and beginning Phonics lessons. Head to Brandy’s shop to see her Black Friday discounts.
A Humble Place – Will have discounts on Charlotte Mason quote apparel, mugs, totes, and prints as well as picture study resources!
Chickie and Roo – Charlotte Mason inspired card sets, Flower of the Month Club, Posters, Animal Anatomy coloring pages and more. See site for Black Friday deals.
Nature Study Hacking – Combining Nature Study lessons with Nature Journal prompts these books help beginners learn how to use a nature journal AND study nature regularly through first-hand observation. Discounts are site-wide.
Our Journey Westward Shop – Cindy’s shop has some practical Charlotte Mason Homeschooling resources along with a line of Nature Study guides. Head to her site to see deals.
Pam Barnhill’s Store– Pam has various Morning Time Plans, Homeschool organization tools, History plans and more in her store.  Head to her site to see deals.
Peaceful Press – provides resources that promote family connection around learning. Head to her site to see deals. 
Sabbath Mood Homeschool – Nicole’s site includes a full line of living science curriculum, helpful articles, book lists and more. Head to her site to see her Black Friday through Cyber Monday deals.
Afterthoughts Blog – This shop has study guides, audio downloads, Swedish Drill books, event downloads and beginning Phonics lessons. Head to Brandy’s shop to see her Black Friday discounts.
A Humble Place – Will have discounts on Charlotte Mason quote apparel, mugs, totes, and prints as well as picture study resources!
Chickie and Roo – Charlotte Mason inspired card sets, Flower of the Month Club, Posters, Animal Anatomy coloring pages and more. See site for Black Friday deals.
Nature Study Hacking – Combining Nature Study lessons with Nature Journal prompts these books help beginners learn how to use a nature journal AND study nature regularly through first-hand observation. Save 25% off site-wide from Black Friday-Cyber Monday.
Our Journey Westward Shop – Cindy’s shop has some practical Charlotte Mason Homeschooling resources along with a line of Nature Study guides. Head to her site to see deals.
Pam Barnhill’s Store – Pam has various Morning Time Plans, Homeschool organization tools, History plans and more in her store.  Head to her site to see deals.
Sabbath Mood Homeschool – Nicole’s site includes a full line of living science curriculum, helpful articles, book lists and more. Head to her site to see her Black Friday through Cyber Monday deals.
The Peaceful Press – The Peaceful Press- Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum for a joyful homeschool. Save 25% storewide on Black Friday. 

Black Friday through Cyber Monday Sale

To celebrate Black Friday and Cyber Monday, A Delectable Education will be offering a 40% discount on our Curriculum Templates, Exam Planners and the following Teacher Training Videos:

  • A Vision for Children: How Living Books Influence Moral Development
  • Lesson Planning in a Living Education
  • Charlotte Mason History for the 21st Century
  • Keeping Time: History “Things”
  • Science: A Vast & Joyous Realm
  • Nature Study: Special Studies & Object Lessons

To take advantage of this sale, use the following discount code on the checkout page from Friday, 11/29 through Monday, 12/2 at 11:59 PM EST:


Also, check out the discounts you can receive from these other Charlotte Mason shops:

Afterthoughts Blog – This shop has study guides, audio downloads, Swedish Drill books, event downloads and beginning Phonics lessons. Head to Brandy’s shop to see her Black Friday discounts.
A Humble Place – Will have discounts on Charlotte Mason quote apparel, mugs, totes, and prints as well as picture study resources!
Chickie and Roo – Charlotte Mason inspired card sets, Flower of the Month Club, Posters, Animal Anatomy coloring pages and more. See site for Black Friday deals.
Nature Study Hacking – Combining Nature Study lessons with Nature Journal prompts these books help beginners learn how to use a nature journal AND study nature regularly through first-hand observation. Discounts are site-wide.
Our Journey Westward Shop – Cindy’s shop has some practical Charlotte Mason Homeschooling resources along with a line of Nature Study guides. Head to her site to see deals.
Pam Barnhill’s Store– Pam has various Morning Time Plans, Homeschool organization tools, History plans and more in her store.  Head to her site to see deals.
Peaceful Press – provides resources that promote family connection around learning. Head to her site to see deals. 
Sabbath Mood Homeschool – Nicole’s site includes a full line of living science curriculum, helpful articles, book lists and more. Head to her site to see her Black Friday through Cyber Monday deals.
Afterthoughts Blog – This shop has study guides, audio downloads, Swedish Drill books, event downloads and beginning Phonics lessons. Head to Brandy’s shop to see her Black Friday discounts.
A Humble Place – Will have discounts on Charlotte Mason quote apparel, mugs, totes, and prints as well as picture study resources!
Chickie and Roo – Charlotte Mason inspired card sets, Flower of the Month Club, Posters, Animal Anatomy coloring pages and more. See site for Black Friday deals.
Nature Study Hacking – Combining Nature Study lessons with Nature Journal prompts these books help beginners learn how to use a nature journal AND study nature regularly through first-hand observation. Save 25% off site-wide from Black Friday-Cyber Monday.
Our Journey Westward Shop – Cindy’s shop has some practical Charlotte Mason Homeschooling resources along with a line of Nature Study guides. Head to her site to see deals.
Pam Barnhill’s Store – Pam has various Morning Time Plans, Homeschool organization tools, History plans and more in her store.  Head to her site to see deals.
Sabbath Mood Homeschool – Nicole’s site includes a full line of living science curriculum, helpful articles, book lists and more. Head to her site to see her Black Friday through Cyber Monday deals.
The Peaceful Press – The Peaceful Press- Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum for a joyful homeschool. Save 25% storewide on Black Friday.