Category Archives: Uncategorized

Episode 245: CM in Your Community–Book Publishing

The spreading of the practice of Charlotte Mason’s method has created a demand for living books, old standbys that this generation deserves to know. This week begins this season’s new series: Charlotte Mason in Our Community with a focus this month on book publishing with an interview of Rachel North, a Charlotte Mason enthusiast who lives in England and has restored, updated, and transformed  some of the classic books Mason used to again find their place in our curriculum.

Listen Now:

Tommy Smith’s Animals, Edmund Selous

Arabella Buckley’s books

Paper Folding, Paterson

Paper Modelling, Swannell

Cardboard Modelling, Heaton

The New World at Home, Kirby (edited by Rachel North)
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Charlotte Mason Beehive (UK Site here)

Living Library Press

Living Book Press

Purple House Press

Yesterday’s Classics

Riverbend Press

Beautiful Feet Books

Bethlehem Books

The Good and The Beautiful

Episode 244: Home Management

A Charlotte Mason education requires a lot of time and effort on the part of the teacher to prepare the best feast for the children. How does the parent also manage all the needs of daily life in the home at the same time? Listen to Emily, Nicole, and Liz discuss home management while homeschooling for some wisdom gained from their own experience.

Listen Now:

Finding the Right Hills to Die On, Gavin Ortlund Join us on Patreon if you’d like to join the discussion on our Parents’ Educational Course books this year
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Living Book Press

The Lazy Genius

Full Focus Planners

Thriving Home (Freezer Meal Recipes)

Clean Mama

Episode 243: Scheduling Handicrafts

This new episode on handicrafts contains further revelation on Charlotte Mason’s  purpose for handicrafts and approach to handicrafts. Emily, Nicole, and Liz, as always, draw out the practical application for this crucial, seemingly complicated, and vital part of the feast. Whether you are crafty or inept, there is wise advice for implementation here.

Listen Now:

A Manual of Clay-modelling by Hermione Unwin: Clay Modelling Book used in the PNEU

Let Creation Rejoice by Jonathan Moo and Robert White Join us on Patreon if you’d like to join the discussion on our Parents’ Educational Course books this year

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
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Episode 59: Handicrafts

Episode 81: Sloyd

Clay Modelling Demonstration Lesson Video

Handicraft Streams PDF

The Work and Aims of the P.U.S. Article

Schedule Cards

Handicraft Planner–A more extensive resource that gives Form-appropriate ideas in all the Handicraft Streams and the Big Picture of how each skill is developed over the course of a student’s education

Episode 242: Intro to Season 8

Welcome to Season Eight! Emily, Nicole, and Liz are delighted to bring you up to date on new helps for teaching being offered  at A Delectable Education’s site, events to look forward to, and an overview of the great things you can expect in the coming school year on the podcast as they continue to share the riches of the Charlotte Mason feast.

Listen Now:

Parents and Children (Vol. 2), Charlotte Mason: Chapter 25

The Scent of Water, Elizabeth Goudge: 2023 ADE Book Club title (live discussion at ADE at Home Conference, airing early March 2023)

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Schedule Cards

3rd Annual ADE at Home Virtual Conference: February 3-4, 2023. Registration begins November 25, 2022

Parents’ Educational Course

Teacher Helps (Planning, Forecasting and Lesson tools and resources)

Teacher Training Videos (workshops and demonstration lessons)

Nicole’s Sabbath Mood Homeschool Science Curriculum

New Products Release

It’s planning season and we have been busy working to prepare many new products for release today!

First, you’ll notice that our menu has been reorganized to help you find all these new items (and our old ones too): we’ve organized the Teacher Training Videos by type (full-length workshops and shorter demonstration lessons) and all the rest of our products are now grouped under “Teacher Helps.” These are further broken into three categories to help meet you in whichever stage you are at:

  • Planning the big picture (Curriculum Templates, Exam Planner, Schedule Cards, Subject Planners, etc.)
  • Forecasting (Things that help break down resources/subjects across your terms)
  • Lessons (Teacher Helps that you’ll use in your day-to-day lessons)

New Teacher Training Videos

New Teacher Helps

We know that most families are feeling the crunch of higher prices everywhere, so we’ve also made special bundled prices on several products. Check out the new Reading Bundle, Subject Planners Bundle, the Will Bundle, and bundled prices for each level of Geography resources!