Category Archives: Uncategorized

Black Friday-Cyber Monday SALE!

All of the products in our Teacher Helps categories will be on sale for 20% off from Friday, November 25 through midnight (EST) on Monday, November 28.

Use code “HELP23” to apply the discount to any product in these categories:

Teacher Helps: Planning
(Curriculum Templates, Exam Planner, Schedule Cards, etc.)

Teacher Helps: Forecasting
(Bible Lesson Breakdowns, Composition Planner, etc.)

Teacher Helps: Lessons
(Grammar Lessons, Reading Lessons, Geography Map Questions, etc.)

Episode 249: Voices from the Conference: Cathy McKay on Homeschooling Teenagers

Homeschooling teenage boys has its own challenges. The ADE ladies welcome Cathy McKay in the Voices of the Conference series to share her wisdom and experience in raising teen boys. Attendees of the 2022 ADE at HOME Virtual Conference will be glad for more opportunity to learn from Cathy.

Listen Now:

“Having seen that it does not rest with the parents to use, or to forego the use of, the authority they hold, let us examine the limitations and the scope of this authority. In the first place, it is to be maintained and exercised solely for the advantage of the children, whether in mind, body, or estate. And here is room for the nice discrimination, the delicate intuitions, with which parents are blessed. Again, the authority of parents, though the deference it begets remains to grace the relations of parents and child, is itself a provisional function, and is only successful as it encourages the autonomy, if we may call it so, of the child. A single decision made by the parents which the child is, or should be, capable of making for itself, is an encroachment on the rights of the child, and a transgression on the part of the parents…introduced
them by degrees to the full liberty which is their right as men and women. Anyway, it is too late now to keep them in training ; fit or unfit, they must hold the rudder for themselves.Further, though the emancipation of the children is gradual, they acquiring day by day more of the art and science of self-government, yet there comes a day when the parents, right to rule is over; there is nothing left for them but to abdicate gracefully, and leave their grown-up sons and daughters free agents, even though these still live at home; and although, in the eyes of their parents, they are not fit to be trusted with the ordering of themselves: if they fail in such self-ordering, whether as regards time, occupations, money, friends, most likely their parents are to blame for not having introduced them by degrees to the full liberty which is their right as men and women. Anyway, it is too late now to keep them in training ; fit or unfit, they must hold the rudder for themselves. (2/16-17)

“Method implies two things–a way to an end, and step-by-step progress in that way.” (1/8)

Ourselves, Volume 4

Formation of Character, Volume 5, Part III

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INK Newspaper (Illustrated Newspaper for Kids)

ADE at Home 2023 {Virtual} Conference

Episode 248: Enjoying the {Virtual} Conference

A Delectable Education Charlotte Mason podcast seeks to inspire, encourage, and explain the Charlotte Mason method. During the midwinter ADE at Home {Virtual} Conference, all three take place in various presentations. On today’s episode, hear how many different individuals participate in this conference either with friends, away from home, at home…and share some of their ideas for making the most of it.

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The Secular Creed, Rebecca McLaughlin

Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, Rosaria Butterfield

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ADE at Home 2023 {Virtual} Conference

Episode 247: CM in Your Community–Book Databases

Living books are the heart of the Charlotte Mason method of education, and providing a wide variety of books is essential. Of special importance to families in this century is reading living books about and from the perspective of people of various ethnic backgrounds. Today’s guest, Nicole Cottrell, describes her gift to the Charlotte Mason community of a database of diverse living books particularly of people of color. We also discuss several other places to find living books of all sorts.

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For the Children’s Sake, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

A Place to Belong, Amber O’Neil Johnston

Episode 246: Homeschooling Through Fear & Anxiety

Charlotte Mason spoke to the fears and anxieties of mothers in her day. Her counsel is exceedingly relevant today. The ADE ladies have invited Jessica Becker to the podcast to discuss one of our most prevalent problems in this cultural moment, the undercurrent that affects our homes and homeschool education: fear and anxiety.

Listen Now: