Author Archives: Admin

Episode 146: Physical Geography

In the curriculum feast Charlotte Mason spreads for children is the subject of physical geography. This podcast episode will define how physical geography fits into the curriculum and the way it was developed throughout the forms.

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Home Education (Volume 1), Part II, Chapter IX

“Small Things may teach Great…Pictorial Geography.––But the mother, who knows better, will find a hundred opportunities to teach geography by the way: a duck-pond is a lake or an inland sea; any brooklet will serve to illustrate the great rivers of the world; a hillock grows into a mountain––an Alpine system; a hazel-copse suggests the mighty forests of the Amazon; a reedy swamp, the rice-fields of China; a meadow, the boundless prairies of the West; the pretty purple flowers of the common mallow is a text whereon to hang the cotton fields of the Southern States: indeed, the whole field of pictorial geography––maps may wait until by-and-by––may be covered in this way.” (1/72)

“The knowledge to be acquired must be gained by the experiences and discoveries of the children themselves. … the children during their daily outings should observe for themselves the action of wind, frost, and rain, the alteration caused to the landscape by a flood. Let a child once see for himself the action of ice on the rocks, how the windings of a stream are due to the peculiarities of the land, that the formation of a lake is similar to that of a roadside puddle, and there will be no more difficulty in learning or remembering the scientific terms which at the outset seemed hard. Moreover, instead of being dependent on their book for diagrams, the children will be able to draw these from their own observations, thus assuring full comprehension of the subject studied.” (Heath, C.N. The Uses of Books in Geography. PR 14)

Elementary Geography (Ambleside Geography Book I), Charlotte Mason (Online here)

Madam How and Lady Why, Kingsley

Outdoor Geography, Hatch

Physical Geography, Geikie (online here)

Physiography, Huxley

Last Child in the Woods, Louv

(Contains Affiliate Links)

Physical Geography in the Early Years through Form I

Geography Overview PDF

“Nature Study”, C. Cooper, Parents’ Review, Volume 20, pp.  337-348

Scouting Parents’ Review Pamphlet

Episode 131: Scouting

Episode 145: Reading & Electronics

This episode of A Delectable Education podcast addresses a question Charlotte Mason never had to face: reading and electronics.  Reading in our day is in a state of plummeting deterioration. Electronics are here to stay but have a detrimental effect on the reading habits. How do we cope with these two conditions? How do we help our children live with technology and become deep readers?

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“Education should be by Things and by Books.” (3/231)

“Supply them with books of calibre to give the intellect something to grapple with.” (5/257)

Thus, a boy’s head may be so full of his stamp collection or of the next cricket match that there is no room in it for bigger things. The stamps and the cricket are all right, but it is not all right by any means to miss the opportunities of great interests that come to us and pass unnoticed, while we think only of these small matters. Not only so: boys and girls may be so full of marks and places, prizes and scholarships, that they never see that their studies are meant to unlock the door for them into this or that region of intellectual joy and interest. School and college over, their books are shut for ever. When they become men and women, they still live among narrow interests, with hardly an outlook upon the wide world, past or present. This is to be the slaves of knowledge and not its joyful masters. Let it be said of us as it was of the late Bishop of London, ‘His was the rare gift of mastering knowledge as his splendid servant, not being himself mastered by it as its weary slave.'” (4/I/44)

The Shallows, Nicholas Carr

Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv

The Tech-Wise Family, Andy Crouch

(Contains Affiliate Links)

NEA Studies: Reading at Risk & To Read or Not To Read

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

Philip Yancey’s article for the Washington Post

Story Warren Blog

New Article in the NY Times on Digital Influences


Episode 144: When the Feast is Too Much: Q&A #28

This month’s Charlotte Mason podcast question for us is asked so often in so many forms that the entire episode is devoted to it. Multiple questions are summed up in “Am I failing? What if I’m not doing things perfectly, not doing it all, leaving out subjects, don’t know what I’m doing, can’t figure it all out, am avoiding subjects…should I give up?” Emily, Liz and Nicole share Miss Mason’s counsel, Biblical encouragement, and their own honest experiences.