Author Archives: Admin

Episode 150: Leisure Reading

Living ideas flow from the living books Charlotte Mason assigned for school lessons and life lessons. This episode examines the purpose for the selection of literature for those after-school hours, and how to encourage this life-giving reading habit.

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“People are naturally divided into those who read and think and those who do not read or think; and the business of schools is to see that all their scholars shall belong to the former class; it is worth while to remember that thinking is inseparable from reading which is concerned with the content of a passage and not merely with the printed matter.” (6/31)

“From one to two hours, according to age and [form], are given in the afternoons to handicrafts, field-work, drawing, etc.; and the evenings are absolutely free, so that the children have leisure for hobbies, family reading, and the like.” (From “Suggestions” accompanying Programme 42)

“The evening reading is not task work. It is not important that many books should be read; but it is important that only good books should be read; and read with such ease and pleasant leisure, so that they become to the hearers so much mental property for life…One other point: it is hopeless and unnecessary to attempt to keep up with current literature. Hereafter, it may be necessary to make some struggle to keep abreast of the new books as they pour from the press; but let some of the leisure of youth be spent upon ‘standard’ authors, that have lived through, at least, twenty years of praise and blame.” (5/223)

“The evening readings should be entertaining, and not of a kind to demand severe mental effort; but the long holidays are too long for mere intellectual dawdling. Every Christmas and summer vacation should be marked by the family reading of some great work of literary renown, whether of history, or purely of belles lettres. The daily reading and discussion of one such work will give meaning and coherence to the history ‘grind’ of the school, will keep up a state of mental activity and will add zest to the general play and leisure of the holidays…Far better would it be that the young people should seek out their own pastures, the parents doing no more than keep a judicious eye upon their rovings. But the fact is young people are so taken up with living, that, as a rule, they do NOT read nowadays; and it is possible that a course of spoon-meat may help them over an era of feeble digestive powers, and put them in the way of finding their proper intellectual nourishment.” (5/227)

“The P.U.S. time-tables are arranged for Home Schoolrooms for the hours of morning school only. [The lighter portions of the Literature (novel, play and poems), are read for amusement in the evenings and also in the holidays. Music, Handicrafts, Field-Work, Drawing, Nature Note Books, Century Books, are taken in the afternoons.] Elementary Schools will therefore have a wide margin for other necessary work. It is desirable that children should buy their own copies of Scott, for example, or Shakespeare–whatever may be set for reading and recitations–so that these may be read at home as well as school.” (Public Elementary Schools, PNEU Pamplet, see below)

“To attempt a list of books suitable for the family lecture would be as hopeless as it is unnecessary; but it is possible to discuss the principles on which the selection should be made. In the first place, to get information is not the object of the family reading, but to make the young people acquainted with the flavour of, to give them a taste for a real “book“––that is, roughly speaking, a work of so much literary merit, that it should be read and valued for the sake of that alone, whatever its subject-matter.

“This rule makes a clean sweep of the literature to be found in nine houses out of ten––twaddling story-books, funny or “good”; worthless novels; second-rate writing, whether in works of history or of general literature; compendiums, abstracts, short sketches of great lives, useful information in whatever form. None of these should be admitted to the evening lecture, and, indeed, the less they are read at all, the better. A good encyclopaedia is an invaluable storehouse of facts, and should be made use of to elucidate every difficulty that occurs in general reading; and information got in this way, at the moment it is wanted, is remembered but it is a mistake to read for information only.

“Next, the book must be as interesting, amusing, or pathetic, as may be, but not too profound; the young people have been grinding all day, and now they want relaxation. One is sorry for girls and boys who do not hear the Waverley Novels read at home; nothing afterwards can make up for the delight of growing up in the company of Peveril of the Peak, Meg Merrilees, Jonathan Oldbuck, the Master of Ravenswood, Caleb Baiderstone, and the rest; and every page is a training in righteous living and gentlemanlike feeling. But novels are not the only resource; well-written books of travel are always charming; and, better than anything, good biographies of interesting people; not any of the single-volume series of “Eminent” persons, but a big two-volume book that gives you time to become at home with your man.

“Important historical works had better be reserved for the holiday, but historical and literary essays by men of letters afford very delightful reading.” (5/222-23)

Children of the New Forest, Marryat

With Clive in India, Henty

The Little Duke, Yonge

Hereward the Wake, Kingsley

The Prince and the Page, Yonge

Tom Brown’s School Days, Hughes

Water-Babies, Kingsley

Lorna Doone, Blackmore

Harold, Lytton

Westward Ho! Kingsley

The Faerie Queene, Spenser

Paradise Lost, Milton

Utopia, More

Little House Books, Wilder

Little Britches Books, Moody

The Hobbit, Tolkien

Ourselves (Volume 4), Charlotte Mason

Waverley, Scott

Harry Potter books, Rowling

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Smith

To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee

George Muller

Gladys Aylward

The Chronicles of Narnia, Lewis (yes, they should be read in publication order)

Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Tolkien

Meindert de Jong

Hilda van Stockum

Heidi, Spyri

Treasure Island and Kidnapped, Stevenson

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Maestro Classics (Use Coupon Code “PODCAST” for 17% off Sale Price)

Episode 103: Sunday Reading

PNEU Pamphlet: Public Elementary Schools

New Product from ADE!

We are thrilled to announce that our BRAND NEW Exam Planner Guide is now available!

A Delectable Education is pleased to offer a brand new resource to guide and direct you through the end of term examination process. A living education full of living ideas cannot be measured by standardized tests directed toward specific measurement of information acquired by a child. There is no ready-made test for each book studied. The goal in a Charlotte Mason education is not assessment for marks and rankings, but a regular means of noting ongoing progress in order to provide a robust program for the student’s continued growth and nourishment.

We have researched the examination process in the P.N.E.U. archives, studied Miss Mason’s purpose for examination, and have gathered the principles together in a planner that will assist you in designing your child’s examinations. This planner encompasses all Forms (I through VI), providing general principles to set your goals and direction, examples Form by Form of the types of questions posed to students at each level, and a blank document to format your own individual questions term after term.

Developing examination questions requires careful thought in order to ensure the success of each child’s work and to allow the teacher to make a realistic evaluation of the progress being made in their lessons. We encourage you to use this planner as you plan each coming term to help you focus on the kinds of books, activities, and lesson content that will make the most of the living ideas being presented. With the help of this planner, there need be no uncertainty about what your exam week should look like or how to express the questions in each subject.

Additionally, the Exam Planner includes practical advice for how to judge the work your child produces in his exams. This is critical to choosing books for the future and making corrective
adjustments in how you approach daily lessons.

The A Delectable Education Exam Planner:

  • Contains a full overview of each Form’s exams, subject by subject
  • Includes helpful notes about applying the principles and practices to today’s students as well as specific examples of questions Charlotte Mason and the P.N.E.U. used in their exams
  • Offers General Information to guide the teacher in creating and evaluating the child’s term examinations
  • Offers links to resources for further reading on the subject of examinations as Charlotte Mason outlined

Find out more information here.

As with our other digital products, the Exam Planner is Copyrighted by A Delectable Education, 2018. No part of this document (the product) can be reproduced or shared (in part or in whole) with anyone besides the purchaser without express permission of A Delectable Education.

Episode 149: God in the Laboratory, with Art Middlekauff

Charlotte Mason has given us a method of education. What does this imply? Was it based on  tradition? science? natural or divine law? And, what in all practical use, do these questions have to do with the day-in and day-out teaching of our children. How much do we consider the evidence of modern research and measurement in determining our curriculum or our teaching techniques? Join the rousing discussion between our friend, Art Middlekauff, and Emily, Nicole, and Liz as we wrestle with the true goal of education and the push and pull of modern convictions.


Listen Now:

An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education (Volume 6), pp. 9-17

“Method implies two things––a way to an end, and a step by step progress in that way. Further, the following of a method implies an idea, a mental image, of the end or object to be arrived at.” (1/8)

“[T]he fact is, that a few broad essential principles cover the whole field, and these once fully laid hold of, it is as easy and natural to act upon them as it is to act upon them as it is to act upon our knowledge of such facts as that fire burns and water flows. My endeavour in this and the following chapters will be to put these few fundamental principles before you in their practical bearing.” (1/10)

“I began under the guidance of these Anglo-Indian children to take the measure of a person and soon to suspect that children are more than we, their elders, except that their ignorance is illimitable.” (6/10)

“A book may be long or short, old or new, easy or hard, written by a great man or a lesser man, and yet be the living book which finds its way to the mind of a young reader. The expert is not the person to choose; the children themselves are the experts in this case. A single page will elicit a verdict; but the unhappy thing is, this verdict is not betrayed; it is acted upon in the opening or closing of the door of the mind.” (3/228)

“We become aware of an altogether unnatural and irreligious classification into things sacred and things secular…” (3/129)

“We do not merely give a religious education, because that would seem to imply the possibility of some other education, a secular education, for example. But we hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above, that the Lord the Holy Spirit is the supreme educator of mankind, and that the culmination of all education (which may, at the same time, be reached by a little child) is that personal knowledge of and intimacy with God in which our being finds its fullest perfection.” (3/95)

“We do not sufficiently rejoice in the wealth that the infinite nature of our God brings to each of us.” (2/273)

“We allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and ‘spiritual’ life of children, but teach them that the Divine Spirit has constant access to their spirits, and is their continual Helper in all the interests, duties, and joys of life.” (“Principle 20”)

“We do not mean that spiritual virtues may be exhibited by the teacher, and encouraged in the child in the course of a grammar lesson; this is no doubt true, and is to be remembered; but perhaps the immediate point is that the teaching of grammar by its guiding ideas and simple principles, the true, direct, and humble teaching of grammar; without pedantry and without verbiage, is, we may venture to believe, accompanied by the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit, of whom is all knowledge.” (2/274)

Code of Education in the Gospels.––It may surprise parents who have not given much attention to the subject to discover also a code of education in the Gospels, expressly laid down by Christ. It is summed up in three commandments, and all three have a negative character, as if the chief thing required of grown-up people is that they should do no sort of injury to the children: Take heed that ye OFFEND not––DESPISE not––HINDER not––one of these little ones.” (1/12)

Principles of Mental Physiology, William Carpenter (online here)

Charlotte Mason: Hidden Heritage and Educational Tradition, Margaret Coombs

(Contains Affiliate Links)

Charlotte Mason Poetry (Notes of Lessons)

Charlotte Mason Poetry Podcast

Episode 13: The Saviour of the World

Episode 105: Saviour of the World Immersion Lesson

CMP Blog Post on “Educare” vs. “Educere”

Episode 148: Listener Q&A #29

Charlotte Mason had children feasting on books, which means we teachers have questions about them. This month’s Q&A podcast episode addresses questions about children who are sensitive to certain books, how to find great living books, and, when they come home, how to
organize those books.


Listen Now:

The Feelings should be Objective, not Subjective––Nor is this the only charge that ‘the feelings’ have to sustain. So long as the feelings remain objective, they are, like the bloom to the peach, the last perfection of a beautiful character; but when they become subjective, when every feeling concerns itself with the ego, we have, as in the case of sensations, morbid conditions set up; the person begins by being ‘over sensitive,’ hysteria supervenes, perhaps melancholia, an utterly spoilt life.” (2/195)

“What are commonly called sensitive feelings––that is, susceptibility for oneself and about oneself, readiness to perceive neglect or slight, condemnation or approbation––through belonging to a fine and delicate character, are in themselves of less worthy order, and require very careful direction lest morbid conditions should be set up.” (2/202)

Maestro Classics (Use “PODCAST” to save 17% off of sale price)

Vision For Children (Teacher Training Video)

Carolyn’s Blog for Living Books Library

Episode 7: How to Recognize “Living Books”

Tour of Living Books Library

Valerie’s Living Library (And especially her post on organizing a home library)

IKEA Basket

Episode 147: Charlotte Mason in Our Homes, Michele Jahncke

The Charlotte Mason in Our Homes series continues with an interview with Michele Jahncke, mother of five and business owner. We are grateful for her years of experience that have given her insight and encouragement for all busy moms everywhere, and especially those who find it necessary to work outside the home while trying to do a conscientious job of homeschooling. Michele shares honestly about her own mistakes and failures, and how Charlotte Mason’s instructions have guided her to paths of wisdom.


Listen Now:

{Michele, as Dolores Umbridge with her children} {Michele’s Family in their historic Cafe}

“If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children when these are overdone, we should have happier households. Let the mother go out to play! If she would only have courage to let everything go when life becomes too tense, and just take a day, or half a day, out in the fields, or with a favourite book, or in a picture gallery looking long and well at just two or three pictures, or in bed, without the children, life would go on far more happily for both children and parents. The mother would be able to hold herself in ‘wise passiveness,’ and would not fret her children by continual interference, even of hand or eye––she would let them be.” (3/33-34)

For the Children’s Sake, Macaulay

A Charlotte Mason Companion, Andreola

Charlotte Mason’s Home Education Series

Ourselves, Charlotte Mason

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Scheduling Cards from ADE

Teacher Training Videos from ADE

Mindful Miss Mason