Author Archives: Admin

Episode 178: Plutarch Immersion

This week’s immersion lesson demonstrates a Plutarch lesson. Nicole and her two daughters, forms III and IV, share their classroom experience with us, which reveals why Miss Mason considered this to be such an instructive lesson for young people and why they enjoy it so much

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Plutarch Project, Volume 3, Anne White

Episode 27: PlutarchCharlotte Mason Geography Across the Forms Document with links to her Geography Readers

Episode 177: Map Questions Immersion

This week’s immersion lesson demonstrates the use of “map questions,” in the geography lesson. We know that maps are important, but in what way were maps utilized in the lesson? What sorts of questions were presented to the student in the regular map questions lesson and what about that puzzling “10-minute map exercise” lesson.

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The Great Lakes (Map Questions Lesson)
The Roman Empire
Area of modern world where Roman Empire was

“Great attention is paid to map work; that is, before reading a lesson children have found the places mentioned in that lesson on a map and know where they are, relatively to other places, to given parallels, meridians. Then, bearing in mind that children do not generalise but must learn by particulars, they read and picture to themselves…” the material from the reading. (6/224-225)

“The effect of abundant map study is obvious. In answering questions without the open atlas a scholar must rely on his powers of visualizing a particular map, a very important acquirement.” (CM Book 5)

“The last lesson was a quick ten minutes’ practice on the map. ”South America” was shown and the questions were all on the once famous Inca Empire, which had incidentally come into the morning’s “General History” as a Spanish possession. Following in their own atlases, the children found the countries it had included and its boundaries; then the parallels of latitude and the parts of other continents that lay between the same. From this and from a consideration of the position and direction of the “Andes” they deduced a few facts about the climate—at this point I read from “Pole to Pole” a short descriptive passage of the characteristics of the scenery. Next they found the four highest volcanoes and two of the chief towns. Then, after a few minutes in which to look at and memorise these places, the children shut their atlases and answered such questions as, “What are the boundaries of Ecuador?” “Which volcano lies directly south of Quito ?” etc. The idea underlying such a lesson is, that it should be rapid oral work, to familiarise the pupils with maps, and must not be confused with the infinitely fuller and more detailed Geography lessons.” (Frost, PR26/573)

Episode 151: Mapping

Charlotte Mason Geography Across the Forms Document with links to her Geography Readers

Episode 176: Form IA Reading Lesson Immersion

Charlotte Mason acknowledged that teaching reading can feel like moving at a snail’s pace, but that children love making progress. In this demonstration of a reading lesson, Maelle understands how to read, but is still building her fund of recognized words. Emily works with her in a short reading lesson in one example of how we can help our young reader get another step further down the road to independence.

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Home Education (Volume 1), pp. 199-229

Reading-Literature First Reader, Free & Treadwell

Movable Alphabet Letters

Soapstone Slate Pencils (in case you don’t like the sound/feel of chalk either)

Episode 175: Charlotte Mason Sunday School

This episode of A Delectable Education Charlotte Mason Podcast is an interview with Min Hwang to explore her implementation of Charlotte Mason’s ideas in the children’s ministry of her church. Miss Mason reminds us of Christ’s command to “let the little children come to me and hinder them not,” and believed in the child’s inherent dignity and respect due to them as persons. Min has a special vision of how her method and subjects can make “Sunday school” a fertile growing time for these children to be introduced to and grow in Christ and His word.

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“But let the imaginations of children be stored with the pictures, their minds nourished upon the words, of the gradually unfolding story of the Scriptures, and they will come to look out upon a wide horizon within which persons and events take shape in their due place and in due proportion . By degrees, they will see that the world is a stage whereon the goodness of God is continually striving with the wilfulness of man; that some heroic men take sides with God ; and that others, foolish and headstrong, oppose themselves to Him. The fire of enthusiasm will kindle in their breast, and the children, too, will take their side, without much exhortation, or any thought or talk of spiritual experience.” (1/249)

“[T]heir Bible lessons should help them to realise in early days that the knowledge of God is the principal knowledge, and, therefore, that their Bible lessons are their chief lessons.” (1/251)

For the Children’s Sake, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Paterson-Smyth Commentaries

A Manual of Clay-Modelling, Hermione Unwin

The Illuminated Bible

In Memoriam: A Tribute to Charlotte Mason

Diana Bauman’s Living Education Planner

Episode 122: Sharing CM with Non-Homeschoolers

Pascak Bible Church

Children Are Born Persons Article

CM Bible Rotation

DIY Weaving Loom (Video 1 of 5)

Charlotte Mason Poetry: Sunday Schools

Min’s Instagram Account

Brush-Drawing: A Basic Course, Richele Baburina

Gospel Vision for Children Conference, Hillsdale, NJ