This season, we are interviewing experienced Charlotte Mason moms, inviting them to tell us how they’ve come to “Trust the Method.” In today’s episode, as she prepares to graduate her oldest student this spring, Morgan Conner joins us to reflect on her homeschool journey and how she came to trust Charlotte Mason’s Method. After jumping from one curriculum to the next, once Morgan discovered Charlotte Mason, she never looked back, but that doesn’t mean it has always been easy. You will glean much from Morgan’s vulnerability and honesty as she describes overcoming her perfectionistic tendencies and learned to trust the Lord with even the smallest details with her neurodiverse students.
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For the Children’s Sake, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Podcast Episode on Forecasting
Forecasting Teacher Training Workshop
Morgan’s episode on Reading Charlotte Mason’s Volumes
Morgan’s episode on Planning Physical Geography Lessons
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