Charlotte Mason held big gatherings to continue training educators in her method. Some of our formative learning about Charlotte Mason happened through conferences. This interview in the Charlotte Mason in Community series is with Joy Vanderley who hosts the Awaken conference in Traverse City, Michigan, and who shares about some of the joys and work involved in holding a local conference to make this special environment available to people in your area.
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Anyone else having trouble loading this episode, as well as the previous on Afternoon Activities? I’m very eager to listen to both, but alas, I just see a box of code.
Thanks for the heads up Christina! I think most people listen via a podcast app, so I didn’t hear about this sooner!
Same here! This episode and the last one too.
Thank you for the encouragement! I am part of a small group of CM moms putting on our first conference and would like to extend the invite to anyone interested to join us Friday and Saturday, June 2-3 in Dresser, WI (in the beautiful St. Croix River Valley), just an hour north of Minneapolis-St. Paul for “As Unto the Lord: A Charlotte Mason Gathering”. Our speaker this year will be Nancy Kelly or Sage Parnassus. Please check out our website: https://acharlottemasongathering.square.site/