Charlotte Mason’s method is relevant for every kind of child, which this week’s episode verifies. Over two years ago, the ADE ladies were interviewed by Beth Corcoran on her Flamingo Feathers podcast, which focuses on education for children with special needs. Beth has graciously allowed us to post that episode for our listeners, of interest not only to parents with special needs children, but will especially inspire anyone by her introduction that describes how the ADE episode of 2020 has subsequently changed her family’s life.
Listen Now:

“The reader will say with truth,-” I knew all this before and have always acted more or less on these principles ” ; and I can only point to the unusual results we obtain through adhering not ‘ more or less,’ but strictly to the principles and practices I have indicated.” (6/19)

A Charlotte Mason Companion, Karen Andreola
For the Love of Physics, Walter Lewin
The Gift of Dyslexia, Ronald Davis

Charlotte Mason Simple Languages
Flamingo Feathers Beth Corcoran’s website and podcast
ADE’s Parents’ Educational Course
Charlotte Mason and Special Needs ADE Episode 58