Episode 236: Poetry

For Charlotte Mason, poetry was a life giving instructor and inspirer of the children. This podcast episode includes special guest, Jono Kiser, a lover, writer, and teacher of poetry. Together the ADE ladies and Jono attempt to scratch the surface of the vast scope and value of poetry. If you love it, or are unsure, unfamiliar, unenthusiastic, or unconvinced, enter into this conversation and know delight is waiting for you.

Listen Now:

Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening

Emily by Michael Bedard

How to Read a Poem by Edward Hirsch

Reading While Black by Esau Macaulley

Episode 126: Charlotte Mason Fathers

Engaging Poetry Through The Years (Teacher Training Video)

The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams

Poetry Through the Forms Handout

Dylan Thomas reads Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night

Malcolm Guite reading

LivingLiterature.net Poetry Scansion Lesson