This episode on the series covering Charlotte Mason’s volume Ourselves addresses one aspect of the portion of “The House of Heart,” namely, loyalty. What do love and loyalty have to do with one another? How does awareness of loyalty affect our life? Emily, Nicole, and Liz discuss this topic, relevant for our students as well as their teachers.
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Ourselves (Volume 4), Book I: Part III (pp. 81-135)

“We know that we are not our own, and that according to the Loyalty within us do we fulfil ourselves.” (4/I/118)
“In wronging our friends by a failure in Loyalty, we injure ourselves far more.” (4/I/124)
“The honour due to our country requires some intelligent knowledge of her history, laws, and institutions; of her great men and her people; of her weaknesses and her strength ; and is not to be confounded with the ignorant and impertinent attitude of the Englishman or the Chinese who believes that to be born an Englishman or a Chinese puts him on a higher level than the people of all other countries; that his own country and his own government are right in all circumstances, and other countries and other governments always wrong.” (4/I/120)
“Our service to our country in these days may not mean more than that we should take a living interest in the questions that occupy the government and the social problems that occupy thinkers; and that, if we are not called upon to serve the country in general, in Parliament, for example, we should give time, labour, and means to advance whatever local administration we are connected with.” (4/I/120)

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