A keynote of a Charlotte Mason education is the nature walk. Would you believe we have never had an episode dedicated solely to this topic? By way of apology for the delay, this episode covers all things nature walk–where, when, how, what preparations, destinations, options for families or groups of families. Spring has sprung, and this episode should inspire you whether you are a beginner or an old hand at nature rambles and hikes.
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“Before the walk commences it is a better plan to have some definite aim to propose to the children; for example, that they should note how many different kinds of flowers they will find in their walk ; how many different kinds of birds they will see, etc.” (Alfred Thornley, PR 19, p. 726)
“It is our personal attitude to the wonders of Nature that both in theory and practice will be of more value to the child than many words.” (Walton, PR 65, p. 70)
“What place does narration take in these lessons? Miss Mason says that a lesson without narration is a lesson wasted.” (V. C. Curry, PR 36 p. 531)
“I know that many parents feel handicapped…by their own defective education in nature knowledge…they must dismiss from their minds any idea that it is the quantity of knowledge acquired that makes a nature student. It is rather the particular habit of mind induced in the act of acquiring such knowledge which is of the most value to us and our children.” (Alfred Thornley, PR 19, p. 722)

Arabella Buckley’s Eyes and No Eyes Series
A Nature Study Guide, Furneaux
Countryside Rambles, Furneaux
Tree Finder (Eastern US), May Watts
Pacific Coast Tree Finder, Tom Watts
Rocky Mountain Tree Finder, Tom & Bridget Watts
Winter Tree Finder, May Watts
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