Charlotte Mason’s training college was unique, but it was not all study and offers some scope for imagination to today’s homeschool families implementing her method. This episode discusses the Scale How evenings that were part of the community life of her college to offer information and inspiration for how such social gatherings could round out a delightful education.
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“It is the custom at the House of Education for one or another student to read an appreciation of some favourite author or composer, or a paper on some other subject in which she is interested, illustrated b}’ extracts or compositions read or performed by some of those present. The information is of course gathered from various sources. We venture to think that this should be a pleasant custom in families; so a series will be published month by month, in order to familiarise our readers with the plan. Even the younger members of a family would enjoy taking part in the readings.—Ed.”

Gathering Moss, Robin Wall Kimmerer

Work and Aims of the Parents’ Union School, Miss O’Ferrall
I really enjoyed this episode, picturing the trainees gathering together for these evenings! Liz mentioned a podcast something like ‘the what and the why‘, but not that! I wonder if you would be able to share as I am hoping to find a general interest podcast to follow.
Many thanks for your time in researching and producing this episode!
I believe it was The World and Everything In It which is a week-daily news podcast from the creators of World Magazine.