Click here for the 2020-21 PEC List

1. The Study of portions of Old and New Testaments
Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley
This was one of our favorite books read this year, and given the importance of this subject in our cultural moment, we think this is an important title to include on this year’s list. McCauley’s thesis is relevant to all people reading Scripture, but especially for those of us in an American context.

2. Books illustrating the Old Testament from the results of modern research
Even Better Than Eden by Nancy Guthrie
This book is an extremely engaging look at major biblical themes and will give you a deeper understanding of the story the Bible tells. If you can listen to the audio version, Guthrie’s own narration will draw you in even more. We promise this book will give you a deeper love and appreciation for God’s Word.

3. Books containing practical teaching with regard to the religious life
On the Road with Saint Augustine by James K.A. Smith
This book is a fresh look at an ancient church father whose own journey to faith and by faith is extraordinarily like our own. Smith shares fascinating perspectives on ourselves through the eyes of St. Augustine. Each of us is journeying through life one way or the other and the illustrations Smith offers give us fresh insight and hope for the road we each are traveling.

4. Bonus Book
Waiting on the Word by Malcolm Guite
Since poetry is such an important aspect of a Charlotte Mason education, we thought this would be an enriching addition to the PEC reading list this year. Make sure you order this before Thanksgiving to have on hand for some daily nourishment during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Physiology and Health

1. The organs of the body
The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson
This book teaches in a clear and entertaining way about the organs or organ systems from head to toe.

2. The laws of health
A Planet of Viruses by Carl Zimmer
This book tells how viruses work and shares their storied history. Rather than focusing entirely on the viruses that have made humans deathly ill, it tells of viruses found deep in caves and the ocean, as well as those that cause the common cold and flu.

3. The care of sick and of infant children (We will be including books on learning challenges and special needs here)
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Everyone experiences trauma, physically or emotionally, mild or severe. This highly relevant book offers insight regarding how the mind and body interact to help us cope, or fail to cope. There is hope and encouragement for healing.
Mental and Moral Science & Education

1. Mental Physiology
Deep Work by Cal Newport
We all work, and how to be more productive in our work is important. Further, as CM devotees, we wish to teach our children how to work well. This book aligns with what CM taught us about attention and how to use our study time to the best advantage while also highlighting the importance of time away from that work, as she did.

2. Ethics
How to Think by Alan Jacobs
This is a short, concise, often humorous look at the habit of thinking. This book examines, kindly and compassionately, why we feel at odds with the other side, and more importantly, how we can learn to understand people who think differently than we do. I cannot think of a more practical and relevant book for today’s polarized opinions and conversations.

3. Theory of Education
Formation of Character by Charlotte Mason
This is perhaps a parent’s best guide to comprehending our children’s faults, offering discernment about habits that can free them from character deficits that are common trials to themselves and their parents. CM includes classic literary examples, which provide additional insight to often abstract ideas.

4. Methods of Instruction
A Philosophy of Education by Charlotte Mason
This final volume of CM’s offers to the educator of her own day a synopsis of her method and a brief overview of her entire curriculum through the forms. It also addresses and challenges the common opinions of educators of her day, many still firmly held in ours, as well as a defense by logic and example of the effectiveness and fruitfulness of her ideas.
Nature Lore and Elements of Science

1. Botany
The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
An explanation of the amazing processes of life, death, and regeneration of trees. A walk amongst the trees will be far more interesting once you know all that is going on beneath the surface.

2. Geology
Underland by Robert Macfarlane
Going down into the earth can be claustrophobic and frightening, even through the pages of a book, but what you will discover in the caves, catacombs, bunkers, mines, glacier shafts, and underground laboratories visited in this book will astound you.

3. Astronomy
The Stars by H.A. Rey
We think you’ll love this book written by the author of Curious George, and gain a better understanding of the constellations found in the night sky. Written for adults, but equally loved by children, Rey gives us all a simpler way of seeing the stars.

4. Study of Animal Life
The Year Round by C.J. Hylander
Miss Mason encouraged all persons who interacted with children to grow in their nature knowledge. Highlander’s book is a helpful guide for those of us seeking to deepen our understanding of the natural world. Arranged by season, this book contains general information helpful no matter where you live, even if the specific species he describes aren’t local to you.
Click Here for a Printable List of the 2021-22 PEC Reading List
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