This week’s immersion lesson is recitation. Nicole does real life lessons with her daughters, two of them in fact. Learn about the breathing lessons used in upper forms and how a child is encouraged to read poetry beautifully by listening as you listen in to their lessons.
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The Speaking Voice–breathing exercises
Is there any similarity between these lessons and what is done for lower forms? This was very interesting. The enunciation exercises made me think of those couple of scenes from Singing in the Rain when they go to the voice teachers. It also reminded me some of my oldest son’s speech therapy interestingly enough. And I forget which of the girls mentioned it, but I immediately thought of the Thor Ragnarok movie when I heard Ragnarok in the poem. Glad I’m not alone. ?
Hi, Rachel. Have you listened to Episode 69: Recitation? It outlines the various form levels. And I agree about the speech lessons — I think a mom could easily use The Speaking Voice by Emil Behnke to do some speech lessons at home with younger students who need some assistance in that area. ~Nicole
I have listened to Episode 69 but it’s been over a year so I gave it a re-listen. The point of my original question is that I had never heard mention of using the breathing exercises and didn’t know what form that began in. After listening the Episode 69, I still do not have an answer as it is not mentioned at all. I have form 1 and 2 children. All I have listed in my curriculum guides also is just what to do but nothing of breathing lessons so I’m curious when those begin. I’m glad to have listened to this though since I think those exercises would benefit my children who all have some sort of speech/language issue. All but one are in speech therapy currently. The other one is pending speech evaluation for some articulation issues that this book actually may help resolve.
Hi Rachel,
These exercises were not listed on the program for students under Forms 5-6. If you take a look at the Show Notes/Episode page for Episode 69, you’ll see a very thorough document compiled by Nicole with all the details for each level, including which Psalms Miss Mason assigned for Forms 1 and 2 respectively, and you’ll see the Breathing Exercises book listed under Forms 5-6.
I will only add that while the book of exercises was never listed before Form 5/6, doing breathing exercises, even with young children is fine. Even using the book used in Form 5/6 to help a student with speech difficulties would be fine, in my opinion. I did find a “notes of lessons” for a form 1b reading lesson where they completed breathing exercises at the beginning of the lesson. Having listened to the recitation episode, you know how interconnected early reading lessons and recitation are. I hope this helps. ~Nicole