Charlotte Mason valued time and recognized its limitations. This Q&A episode considers three questions regarding time: use of scheduling cards to develop a timetable for multiple ages, how to handle a child who cannot tolerate book work for much time, and, last but not least, how a mother can possibly manage all her responsibilities in the time she has.
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“In home schoolrooms where there are children in A as well as in B, both forms may work together, doing the work of A or B as they are able, but more work must be expected from I [or II] A.” (N.B. 2 from the P.U.S. Programmes)

A Delectable Education Scheduling Cards
Episode 180: Masterly Inactivity
This episode was an answer to prayer! I wrote in my prayer journal several hours before listening a plea that the Lord help me to figure out our term 3 schedule and help for me to figure out how to do all the things I want to do. Thank you for the encouragement. I needed the reminders that were mentioned and will be breaking out the scheduling cards again. Also, I would have been curious to have heard a run-down of sample day for a CM mom, but I am glad you didn’t share.
I will continue to work on one more small habit and be grateful for the ones that have become second nature. Thank you for the work you all do!