Charlotte Mason believed children are born persons and this podcast honors a very special person and her family. Liz Cottrill interviews Amy Fields, mother of a “full care child,” whose handicaps seem insurmountable but whose spirit is indomitable. Enjoy this interview to hear how Charlotte Mason’s method applies to a child the world would consider uneducable.
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[Amy and Cary Lynn]

“[T]he Bible, shows the deepest insight into what is peculiar to the children in their nature and estate. “Of such is the kingdom of heaven.” “Except ye become as little children ye shall in no case enter the kingdom of heaven.” “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” “And He called a little child, and set him in the midst.” Here is the Divine estimate of the child’s estate.” (1/11-12)

America Begins, Dalgliesh (America Builds Homes and America Travels)
The Blue Fairy Book (audio version here)
(Contains Affiliate Links)

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Amy! It was a beautiful reminder to meet my boys where they are and not where they “should” be. One of my boys has an AAC device also. I should try using it more during school hours. I get distracted with my schooling the others and I forget to utilize that tool. I do rely on those visual cues like you mentioned (a look of delight, etc) to know if he’s interested or at least listening, but thank you for reminding me to use it! He doesn’t automatically use it and relies a lot on us just reading his cues, so I needed that reminder!
“The Divine estimate of the child’s estate.” Yes, amen! This was so encouraging! What a perfectly timed episode to listen to! Thank you for sharing!