Charlotte Mason had children feasting on books, which means we teachers have questions about them. This month’s Q&A podcast episode addresses questions about children who are sensitive to certain books, how to find great living books, and, when they come home, how to
organize those books.
“The Feelings should be Objective, not Subjective––Nor is this the only charge that ‘the feelings’ have to sustain. So long as the feelings remain objective, they are, like the bloom to the peach, the last perfection of a beautiful character; but when they become subjective, when every feeling concerns itself with the ego, we have, as in the case of sensations, morbid conditions set up; the person begins by being ‘over sensitive,’ hysteria supervenes, perhaps melancholia, an utterly spoilt life.” (2/195)
“What are commonly called sensitive feelings––that is, susceptibility for oneself and about oneself, readiness to perceive neglect or slight, condemnation or approbation––through belonging to a fine and delicate character, are in themselves of less worthy order, and require very careful direction lest morbid conditions should be set up.” (2/202)

Maestro Classics (Use “PODCAST” to save 17% off of sale price)
Vision For Children (Teacher Training Video)
Carolyn’s Blog for Living Books Library
Episode 7: How to Recognize “Living Books”
Valerie’s Living Library (And especially her post on organizing a home library)
I love your podcast and have included it in my “Best Podcasts for Charlotte Mason Moms” list. Thanks for your work inspiring and educating moms. http://techsavvyhomeschool.com/2018/11/27/best-podcasts-charlotte-mason-mom/
Thank you for your affirmation and know that we are thankful for the privilege of helping.