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“We believe that what will ultimately survive all changes and chances will be [Charlotte Mason’s] philosophy, and our danger at the present moment is the limiting of it to fit current conditions of thought and practice of life generally, that of “schooling” in particular.” –Elsie Kitching
“Great secrets of nature, for example, would seem to be imparted to minds already prepared to receive them, as, for example, that of the ‘ions’ or ‘electrons’ of which that we call matter is said to consist. For this sort of knowledge also is of God, and is, I believe, a matter of revelation, given as the world is prepared to receive it.” (4/86-87)
Sabbath Mood Homeschool Science Guides
Richele Baburina’s Math Handbook
Original Article by Art Middlekauff, published on CharlotteMasonPoetry.org
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See also this article on CMP.org