The Savior of the World, Charlotte Mason’s seven-volume poetic rendering of the Gospels, was part of the Bible lesson in her curriculum for forms III-VI. Liz, Emily, and Nicole become the students as their guest teacher, Art Middlekauff, leads an immersion class to demonstrate how the Savior of the World was incorporated in a lesson.
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The Gospel History, C.C. James
The Saviour of the World, Charlotte Mason
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A Delectable Education, Episode 13
Art’s blog post introducing The Saviour of the World
What New Testament Bible Lessons looked like in the PNEU Upper Forms (3-6)
I loved this. So simple and life-giving. I do have a question. We’re those who don’t stick with some of the older versions of the Bible. I feel like there is a gospels combination out there that uses a more modern language version of the Bible? Do you know of any?
I’m sure there are some sequential gospel presentations out there, but am not familiar with them. Remember that Charlotte Mason had very compelling reasons for using the beautiful and magnificent language of the authorized version and felt it had mysterious appeal to the ears and hearts of children.