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“Readings in literature, whether of prose or poetry, should generally illustrate the historical period studied; but selections should be avoided; children should read the whole book or the whole poem to which they are introduced.” (Vol. 6, p. 340)
“Knowledge is a state out of which people may pass and into which they may return but never a store upon which they may draw.” (In Memoriam)
Schools should only be admitted as Parents’ Review Schools if “the amount of time for each of these subjects shall not be more nor less than that stated in the Time-Table.” (“Suggestions” PNEU Pamphlet, 1906)
“There is no selection of studies, or of passages or of episodes, on the ground of interest. The best available book is chosen and is read through perhaps in the course of two or three years.” (Vol. 6, p. 7)
“We need not ask what the girl or boy likes. She very often likes the twaddle of goody-goody story books, he likes condiments, highly-spiced tales of adventure. We are all capable of liking mental food of a poor quality and a titillating nature; and possibly such food is good for us when our minds are in need of an elbow-chair; but our spiritual life is sustained on other stuff, whether we be boys or girls, men or women. By spiritual I mean that which is not corporeal; and which, for convenience sake, we call by various names––the life of thought, the life of feeling, the life of the soul.” (Vol. 3, p. 168)
The completeness with which hundreds of children reject the wrong book is a curious and instructive experience, not less so than the avidity and joy with which they drain the right book to the dregs; children’s requirements in the matter seem to be quantity, quality and variety: but the question of books is one of much delicacy and difficulty. After the experience of over a quarter of a century in selecting the lesson books proper to children of all ages, we still make mistakes, and the next examination paper discovers the error! Children cannot answer questions set on the wrong book; and the difficulty of selection is increased by the fact that what they like in books is no more a guide than what they like in food.” (Vol. 6, p. 248)
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Totally loved this episode! Great job, keep it coming!
I had an "AHA!" moment with this episode! In trying my best to pare down what we had previously done, I was stressing myself out wondering about page counts and what was acceptable. The offering of the average word count per page in books of Miss Mason's day along with her average numbers of pages assigned per term across the subjects and forms has just lifted a heavy burden from my shoulders!! I feel like I truly have wings now to function within a reasonable standard that won't smother my girls with too much information "binging" and not enough dining and savoring. I have been close to tears during so many of these episodes because my heart feels so warmed and full by hearing the beauty of this method, but tonight, the tears actually came with yet another piece of the puzzle in place. Thank you ladies yet again for all the work you continue to do!
I’m with you TeamThomasinOki…every word of what you said I was saying “YES! Me too!”!!! Now…how to best make the adjustments…we are about to enter Year 7. Best to cover this in prayer. God is so gracious and will lead us! Thank you so much Ladies for listening and sharing! May the Lord magnify your time and joy as a result of the tangible love you so graciously pour out onto others through every effort you make to orchestrate the publishing of these podcasts!
Thank you, Maria!
We celebrate with you! And I have chill bumps all over because I know just how you feel. Thank you for taking a few minutes to share with us, as we are greatly encouraged.