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“The children write with perfect understanding as far as they go and there is rarely a ‘howler’ in hundreds of sets of papers. They have an enviable power of getting at the gist of a book or subject. Sometimes they are asked to write verses about a personage or an event; the result is not remarkable by way of poetry, but sums up a good deal of thoughtful reading in a delightful way…” (Vol. 6, p. 242)
“During the examinations, which last a week, the children cover say from twenty to sixty sheets of Cambridge paper, according to age and class; but if ten times as many questions were set on the work studied most likely they would cover ten times as much paper.” (Vol. 6, p. 241)
“The terminal examinations are of great importance. They are not merely and chiefly tests of knowledge but records which are likely to be permanent.” (Vol. 6, p. 272)
If you would like to study along with us, here are some passages from The Home Education Series and other Parent’s Review articles that would be helpful for this episode’s topic. You may also read the series online here, or get the free Kindle version from Fisher Academy.
School Education, Appendix II
Sample PNEU Examinations from Programme 93
Sample PNEU Examinations from Programme 95 (click each link to see full Programme and Examination for each Form)
This is timely as I'm about to prepare this term's exams. Thanks! What do you think of using graphic organizers for prewriting when the student is given the question? We used them in teaching writing even to grad students at my university.
I'm thinking it can help my student to learn to use visual strategies for organizing thoughts, but also wary of doing too much of the thinking for them.
Thanks again, ladies! I am working with the form 1a thru 2a teachers right now at our school to get ready for examinations in a few weeks. This was great, and I am going to send it on to them, so they can hear it,too!
I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks in DC…I am very excited!
Ah, the archives are so helpful! Thank you for linking to those exams, they are very helpful as I sit here trying to prepare my Term 2 exams for next week. I must admit that writing exams is not my favorite thing in the world… I am definitely looking forward to being part of the Alveary next year so I won't have to do it anymore!
Is there any record of how the exams were assessed? Is there any rubric that people know of to use for either written or oral narrations? My son is applied to college and they want to see the rubric used for his evaluations… I have always sort of done a holistic evaluation (and wasn’t overly concerned about grades)