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“The Principality of Mathematics is a mountainous land, but the air is very fine and health-giving, though some people find it too rare for their breathing. It differs from most mountainous countries in this, that you cannot lose your way, and that every step taken is on firm ground. People who seek their work or play in this principality find themselves braced by effort and satisfied with truth.” (Vol. 4, p. 38)
[A child should know at 12 years old:] “…g) in Arithmetic, they should have some knowledge of vulgar and decimal fractions, percentage, household accounts, etc. h) Should have a knowledge of Elementary Algebra, and should have done practical exercises in Geometry.” (Vol. 3, p. 301)
“[Mathematics] should give to children the sense of limitation which is wholesome for all of us, and inspire that sursam corda which we should hear in all natural law.” (Vol. 6, p. 231)
If you would like to study along with us, here are some passages from The Home Education Series and other Parent’s Review articles that would be helpful for this episode’s topic. You may also read the series online here, or get the free Kindle version from Fisher Academy.
Home Education, Part V, XV
Ourselves, Book I, pp. 38; 62-63
Towards a Philosophy of Education, Book I, Chapter 10, Section III
Strayer-Upton’s Books–helpful for mental arithmetic/story problems
(Contains affiliate links)
Richele Baburina’s Mathematics: A Guide for Living Teaching
Benezet’s Article on informal math instruction in the early years
As always, I am thoroughly enjoying your podcasts. I have enjoyed these last 2 on math. I have used so many math programs through the years, and now I am in a school setting using yet another curriculum. I am wrestling with what I think about each of the curriculums I have used, and trying to "glean the good". I also have Baburino's book and DVD which has been very helpful. I look forward to more of your math conversations, as I try to settle on a curriculum that honors my children and is CM authentic.
We are all in this math journey together, it seems, with many pros and cons of many programs and discovering that none of them truly honors a Mason approach. Stay tuned as we continue to explore and learn together.
I am a math person, and yet I am one of those that has run into a wall with daily teaching for math as well. I am throughly enjoying hearing you guys discuss this subject, as it brings a lot of things to mind that I have been discouraged about.
We use rightstart, mainly, and Ray's arithmetic for some math talks, but mostly math just gets brought up in our daily conversations because that's how I think, so I encourage my boys as well. So by the time we do measuring, or fractions, or even addition, or percentages, the boys are wondering why we are talking about it because they already think its quite obvious the 1/2 is two equal parts of whole for example because we have done enough cookie batches for them to figure it out on their own. My problem is figuring out what our math time each day should cover so that everyone is going forward. We use a lot of the rightstart games to keep already discovered arithmetic practiced.
So glad to hear the math episodes have been encouraging. It is difficult to implement some programs with Mason's method. I strongly encourage you to look at Richele Baburina's materials for a systematic Mason approach to this subject.
I enjoy your podcasts and I appreciate the time and effort you three ladies put forth in helping the CM community thrive!
Math is the area I struggle with the most in trying to implement an authentic CM experience for my children. For years I’ve used Saxon math while adhering to Miss Mason’s philosophy in the other areas of our schooling. In trying to break away from that, I bought Richele’s book and CD, I purchased both volumes of Ray’s Arithmetic and I’ve listened to your wonderful podcast twice! We’ve been making sloyd projects and playing math games. I’m still struggling to know where exactly to jump in with my form 1a and form 2a students. For me, it’s a difficult and somewhat scary transition to go from a very academic looking book that seems to cover all that my girls need to know math wise, to something so much more abstract.
Doing math in a living way is probably so simple and natural, that jumping into it from a book that coaches you what and how much to do every day is a scary prospect. I think the Strayer-Upton series perfectly fits in with the scope and sequence outlined in Richele’s research, noted in her handbook, “Mathematics, An Instrument for Living Education.” Simply determine where your children are in the sequence of steps, or progression, of math concepts, then locate that portion of problems addressing that concept in the Strayer-Upton series, and begin. Most of the lessons are oral. The written work should be proportional to the amount of written work they do in their other lessons. Spend some time working on the new concept–perhaps half the lesson, then do a little oral review of something they have already learned to keep it fresh, and do some mental math, which is similar to drill in math curricula, but done orally and in a pleasant manner.
Most of us make more of an insurmountable task out of this than is necessary. Working with your child one on one daily, giving them problems for them to grapple with, grasp, and express, is the best way to ensure you really understand what they understand. The Strayer-Upton series has plenty of mental math exercise, story problems, varying written work (which you may do orally or in written form) to help them build mastery on any concept. If at any time, you feel your children are shaky in a certain concept, there are plenty of pages to go back to pull new practice from.
This is no scarier than expecting that from oral narration will come, one day, beautiful writing. Just practice together every day and stand amazed at the progress you will discover your children making. This method takes the fear and uncertainty out of this subject for your children and makes you very certain of exactly what they do and do not understand.
Would you ladies recommend Richele Baburina’s The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series, Book 1 in addition to her earlier book and DVD?
I cannot think of a better book to guide you in everyday application of the principles Mason intended for math instruction. Yes, we wholeheartedly believe this is the best first math book.
– Liz