This Charlotte Mason podcast episode is another Q&A. As we implement the method, challenges arise: what adjustments need to be made when I come to the method late, how should I organize my home differently, and what about the only child’s needs, are this week’s focus.
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“It is not an environment that these want, a set of artificial relations carefully constructed, but an atmosphere which nobody has been at pains to constitute. It is there, about the child, his natural element, precisely as the atmosphere of the earth is about us. It is thrown off, as it were, from persons and things, stirred by events, sweetened by love, ventilated, kept in motion, by the regulated action of common sense.” (Vol. 6, pg. 96)
“No artificial element [should] be introduced…children must face life as it is; we may not keep them in glass cases.” (Vol. 6, pg. 97)
The Conquest of the North and South Poles (Landmark Book), Russell Owen
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Episode 4: Three Tools of Education
The Education of an Only Child, Mrs. Clement Parsons. The Parents’ Review, Volume 12, p.609-621
I loved this episode, well I love all the episodes. I homeschool my youngest child who is 11 yrs old and actually 10 years younger than her brothers. She has always been homeschooled alone, basically as an only child. I wanted to touch a bit on how I do Charlotte Mason narration with just one child. After she reads her assignment, I either have her narrate to me or do a written narration but sometimes I have her read aloud to me and I actually narrate, then she will narrate. Not only does it give her that extra person to narrate with, it gives her a chance to be in the other role and actually has to pay attention as well to see how correct my narration is. I learn the art of narration too…just as you have said before, It's a lot harder than it seems. Even though we are together a lot I give her plenty of room to explore and create things on her own as well as giving her plenty of social experiences with kids her age.
Thank you for taking the time to comment and for sharing the relevant ideas you have discovered in teaching an only child.
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I'm curious about the North Pole book you mentioned?
I'm thinking I was referencing The North Pole by Tony Simon. My kids and I were reading it about the time of recording this.