Charlotte Mason knew nature study is critical to the good life and fundamental to education. This week’s podcast is the second interview with contemporary naturalist John Muir Laws (Jack) in which he inspires, encourages, and explains to us not only what to do when we go outside, along with many how-to practices we can implement to make the most of that nature study, but how we can change our motivation and focus to experience a rich and rewarding relationship with nature.
Listen Now:
Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv
The Nature Principle, Richard Louv
The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling, John Muir Laws
(Contains affiliate links)
Jack Laws’ Nature Journal Suggested Supplies List
Nature Journaling Club Curriculum
Jack was so wonderful to see at CMI! I love what he says about using what works. I have realized how restrictive dry brush is for me and the children over the last few months. I enjoy dry brushing, but it is such a production that I am not able to do it as often as I would like, especially in the field and while watching 3 young children. That has kept me from journaling as much as I would otherwise. I recently re-read the beginning of HoNS and Comstock also says to let the child chose the medium. Interesting. Thinking of the nature journal as a tool, rather than art work is so helpful!
I, too, have run into those same problems with dry brush drawing, Brittney! Since the conference I have been using colored pencil much more and am realizing how much I enjoy that medium and have been able to do more drawings in my own journal because of the ease of the medium. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
This is so so good. Thank you!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, Tessa!