This week’s Charlotte Mason podcast celebrates the role of mothers in their children’s education. Ms. Mason had plenty to say to us as mothers and we share our own experiences as mothers in an effort to encourage you. This one’s for you, Mom.
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“The children are, in truth, to be regarded less as personal property than as public trusts, put into the hands of parents that they may make the very most of them for the good of society. And this responsibility is not equally divided between the parents: it is upon the mothers of the present that the future of the world depends, in even a greater degree than upon the fathers, because it is the mothers who have the sole direction of the children’s early, most impressible years.” (Vol. 1, p. 2)
“We are waking up to our duties and in proportion as mothers become more highly educated and efficient, they will doubtless feel the more strongly that the education of their children during the first six years of life is an undertaking hardly to be entrusted to any hands but their own. And they will take it up as their profession––that is, with the diligence, regularity, and punctuality which men bestow on their professional labours.” (Vol. 1, pp. 2-3)
“We allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and ‘spiritual’ life of children, but teach them that the Divine Spirit has constant access to their spirits, and is their Continual Helper in all the interests, duties and joys of life.” (Charlotte Mason’s 20th Principle of Education)
“I venture to suggest, not what is practicable in any household, but what seems to me absolutely best for the children; and that, in the faith that mothers work wonders once they are convinced that wonders are demanded of them.” (Vol. 1, p. 44)
The Story of Charlotte Mason, Essex Cholmondeley (We are in no way suggesting you buy this book for the current price! Linking solely for your information)
(Contains affiliate links)
Liz’s talk on Mothers (audio download)
ADE Podcast Episode that describes the Great Recognition further
Oh my. This is like my FAVORITE of all time! 🙂 I was choked up too, Liz, when you shared about your son. I appreciate you and Nichole sharing about difficulties yet the beauty of working with "behind" children…my 11 yo is a slow reader (Nichole, my son is WONDERFUL at connections too and is an out-of-box thinker also!) and now my almost 2 yo has a referral for speech and for gross motor as he isn't walking fully yet…all the things you said where such a blessing and encouragment…I love the thoughts of this life being a process and like the sowing of seed…thank you for all your encouragement that WE.ARE.ENOUGH. YES! YES! YES! At the same time, we do need to be purposeful and vigilant…one step at a time, forward march. I love this! This was excellent, ladies. I will be listening to this again often. I need it! 🙂 Amy Happy Mother's Day to you all!
Loved this podcast. Thank you. I have heard the ideas and concepts in it before, but the way you ladies put it and the timing with which I listened to it just made it all strike me more. What a blessing. Thank you.
Very thankful you were blessed. In regard to our children with limitations–which is all of them in some way–I just put down my copy of Ourselves in which I was reminded yet again that, though there are limitations in body and mind, in all of us, everyone, no matter how ignorant or poor, has no limitation of soul to fully embrace the knowledge of God. This should put all our mother hearts to rest.
Wonderful. We all need to hear all of it over and over, don't we?
Thank you for this Mother's Day podcast. Probably what a mother needs most is encouragement to keep pressing on, and this podcast did that! 🙂 I'm so grateful to have found Charlotte Mason and constantly marvel at her wisdom. Thank you for the reminder that, like our children, we moms are born persons (seems obvious, and yet we want to be perfect SuperMom), and with that come the limitations of being human, but also the assurance of God's help for both mother and child.
We do all need encouragement, as well as the obvious reminder that we are "born persons," but also of Mason's reminder, not of our limitations as persons, but our immense capabilities. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Oh my-this episode was so moving. I am going to save it & listen to it when I feel discouraged. My oldest has learning disabilities & I have often asked "What is the alternative?" This episode was such a wonderful reminder that God chose us and the Holy Spirit guides us. So thankful I am not in this alone!!
Mason's philosophy was built on an educational code she perceived in the Gospels: Hinder them not, forbid them not, despise them not–said Jesus about allowing children to come. Their disabilities are God ordained as well and we should not let them hinder us or our children from becoming the unique persons they are meant to be, and most of all, from having access to Christ. So glad this encouraged you.
These podcasts are wonderful!
Thank you for the encouragement, Danielle!